
Hyperspectral solutions

Hyperspectral solutions

MatrixSpec's patented A.I. powered technologies allow food processing companies to optimize productivity, reduce waste, and increase safety.

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Egg gender detection

Egg gender detection

Revolutionize Poultry Farming with the MSE3000 scanner: Detect gender and egg fertility early

The next generation MSE3000 scanner from MatrixSpec marks a breakthrough in poultry farming. Using a non-invasive method, this innovative technology accurately detects egg fertility and determines gender prior to and during the first days of incubation. This empowers farmers to make informed decisions that improve animal welfare, enhance sustainability, and optimize productivity.

Pork processing

Pork Marbling Assessment

MatrixSpec Solution's handheld MS@i100 scanner will accurately grade any cut of pork to any international standard.

The device captures images of a pork sample, implements an advanced analysis of the images, and displays the predicted marbling scores according to different industry standards in seconds.

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Fish processing

Fish processing

MatrixSpec Solution's handheld MSF150 scanner, powered by AI alogrithms, will accurately grade any cut of fish to any international standard increasing both the speed of grading and accuracy.

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